Sleep apnea

The Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is characterized by continuous obstruction of the upper airway, impeding normal air flow to the lungs.
Patients stop breathing while they sleep up to a hundred times in one night. This dramatically reduces the flow of oxygen to vital organs with serious health consequences.
Snoring, which until recently was considered a sign of resting, can be an indicator of apnea, a disorder causing a large number of health problems.
The irritating noise which causes annoyance to those around the snorer and distress to the snorer themselves can actually be a sign of a potentially deadly illness The Sleep Apnea Device constitutes the most comfortable and effective alternative for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea.
Intra-oral splints alter the position of the lower jaw, the tongue and other structures in order to guarantee the free flow of air through the upper airway avoiding obstruction during the night.